The Charlie Daniels Band other songs:


Susie Q lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

(from "Susie's Hope" soundtrack)

Oh, Susie Q
Oh, Susie Q
Oh, Susie Q
Baby, I love you, Susie Q

I like the way you walk
I like the way you talk
I like the way you walk
I like the way you talk, Susie Q

Oh, say that you'll be true
Oh, say that you'll be true
Oh, say that you'll be true
And never leave me blue, Susie Q

Oh, say that you'll be mine
Oh, say that you'll be mine
Oh, say that you'll be mine
Baby, all the time, Susie Q

Oh, Susie Q
Oh, Susie Q
Oh, Susie Q
Baby, I love you, Susie Q

I like the way you walk
I like the way you talk
I like the way you walk
I like the way you talk, Susie Q

Oh, Susie Q
Oh, Susie Q
Oh, Susie Q
Baby, I love you, Susie Q

The Intimidator lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

Talladega, Alabama, hot day in the fall
Yeah, it's pedal to the metal keep it off the wall
Darrell's passing marlin and Jeff just took the lead
He's burning up the track but look out
Here comes number three

He's moving to the inside listen to that engine howl
Just move it on over the intimidator's on the prowl

Push it down and stand on it put it on the floor
Roaring down the backstretch blowing off their doors
Eating up the asphalt and chewing up the miles
They're bringing out the checkered flag
The crowd is going wild

Carolina country boy could always find a way to win
Y'all wave bye bye
The intimidator's done it again

The man meant business when he got behind the wheel
Eye like an eagle and nerves made of steel
Speed is the bottom line and winning is the deal
(Let her whine) Let her whine
(Man he's flyin') Man he's flyin'
(Finish line) Finish line
One more time

You're burning down the straight away putting on a show
Leading by a length with only 20 laps to go
You almost got this sucker won engines running great
But don't you look in your rearview mirror here comes number eight
He's a rockin' and a rollin' and he sure knows how to shut them down
I guess it runs in the family the intimidator's back in town
Yeah, I guess it runs in the family the intimidator's back in town

Bad boy
Stand on it, son

Twas The Night Before Christmas lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.
And Mama in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap.

When out on the roof there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
tore open the shutter, and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
gave the lustre of midday to objects below,
when, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles, his coursers they came,
and he whistled and shouted and called them by name:

"Now Dasher! Now Dancer!
Now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid!
On, Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch!
To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away!
Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky
so up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
with the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
the prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head and was turning around,
down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
and he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

His eyes--how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
and the beard on his chin was as white as the snow.
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
and the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
that shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
and I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
and filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
and giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight,

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

"Renegade" (1991)

Renegade lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

Well, I went down to Nashville
In 1973
And they won't nobody in Music City
Wanted anything to do with me

They said, ?Boy you sure dress funny
And you just don't fit our crowd
And your music's weird, your hair's too long
And you play that guitar way too loud?

I said, "Yeah, I know, I'm different
I know, I'm not the same
And you may drive a big Cadillac car
But I ain't gonna play your game?

And you can put me down in this guitar town
And I ain't gonna be afraid
'Cause I'm a proud walkin', slow talkin'
Hard headed, high steppin' genuine renegade

Well, I ain't afraid to tell you what's on my mind
I just ain't the bashful type
I go all the way for the U.S.A.
'Cause I love them stars and stripes

I ain't never been scared of nothin'
And I'm a renegade to the bone
So if you're looking for trouble better bring you some help
I'm a little bit more than you can handle alone

I'm mighty proud of Dixie
I'm just full of Southern pride
I'm a catfish connoisseur
And I know, I'm countryfied

I get an ornery streak sometimes when I speak
But I guess, it's just the price I paid
'Cause I'm a hard drivin' survivin'
Four wheelin', straight dealin' genuine renegade

And you can put me down in this guitar town
I ain't gonna be afraid
'Cause I'm a proud walkin', slow talkin'
Hard headed, high steppin' genuine renegade

Talk To Me Fiddle lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

Well if this old fiddle could talk
If this old fiddle could sing
Man if this old fiddle could only talk
It could tell you some wondrous things
Talk to me fiddle

Tell me about when you came across the sea
In the hands of a Jewish immigrant who was longing to be free
And you were part of his life for forty years
Through times both lean and fat
As he raised his family and lived out his days
In a New York tenement flat
Talk to me fiddle

Tell me about how that Cajun fiddlin' man
Found you in a pawn shop and took you back down
To the Louisiana bayou land
You knew his wife and you knew his kids
And you watched his family grow
And you played your heart out Cajun style
At the Louisiana Fais Do Do
Well talk to me fiddle

Then a big shot Yankee gambler found you down in New Orleans
And took you up the river on the Mississippi Queen
Then there came the day that you were all
That he had left to lose
And a black man won you in a poker game
And taught you how to play the blues
Cry for me fiddle

The a young man from the mountains of Kentucky came along
And he bought you for a dollar
And took you all the way back home
He gave you to his grandpa on his golden wedding day
And the people would come from miles around just to hear the old man play
Dance for me fiddle

Then a hobo from Biloxi found you living in the rain
And he got himself a free ride on a west-bound cattle train
And you got off in Texas
Where they play that western swing
Where the people do the two-step
And old Bob Wills was the king
Swing for me fiddle

If this old fiddle could talk
If this old fiddle could sing
Man if this old fiddle could only talk
It could tell you some wondrous things
You've been bouncing around America from sea to shining sea
Now your traveling days are over fiddle 'cause you belong to me

Little Folks lyrics - The Charlie Daniels band

Little folks are people too
Very much like me and you
The little things they say and do
They kinda make your day
Foolishness and common sense
Through the eyes of innocence
Skip a rope or jump a fence
Gettin' in the way

Daddy, why are you so tall?
Daddy, why am I so small?
Daddy, who makes snowflakes fall?
Could it be the Lord?
Chasing puppies, climbin' trees
Bumping heads and skinnin' knees
It's not very hard to see
That kids are God's reward

Little folks get down and out
The girls will cry and boys will pout
Before you know what it's about
They're smiling once again
Colored kites on summer breeze
Jingle Bells and Christmas trees
Too soon they're only memories
Do you remember when?

Daddy, what makes eagles fly?
What makes clouds float in the sky?
And Daddy, if I really try
Will I grow up someday?

But little folks slip through our hands
Like so many grains of sand
You'd best enjoy them while you can
So soon they fly away...

Honky Tonk Life lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

Well now Bubba and the boys at the uptown bar
They got a little too drunk went a little too far
They were out four wheeling round town till the crack of dawn
And then the sheriff came and threw them in the calaboose
And he said he wasn't gonna turn them loose
Just somebody paid for the damage to the courthouse lawn

Well he got paid Friday and it ain't no joke
He woke up this morning hungover and broke
He's been out all night and he's afraid to face his wife
His clothes are dirty and his eyes are red
He's got a great big knot on the side of his head
Oh the joys of living the honky tonk life

Well you honky tonk women and you honky tonk men
Honky tonk life's gonna do you in
Ain't nothin' cool about sittin' on a bar stool higher than a Chinese kite
You're just a pop top poppa with a one track mind
You're gonna pass out before it's closin' time
Just another darn fool drowning in the neon lights every night
I said oh the joys of living the honky tonk life

Ole Johnny was a happily married man
Till he started hanging out at the Dew Drop Inn
Met a peroxide floozie by the name of Sally Ann
Then almost every morning he was late for work
Then his wife found some lipstick stain on his shirt
And that's about the time that the stuff started hittin' the fan

And then the next thing he knew he was asittin' in court
About some alimony and some child support
And he lost his driver's license for a DWI
And now his clothes are ragged and he don't look well
He's living downtown in a cheap hotel
On the joys of living the honky tonk life

Well you honky tonk women and you honky tonk men...

Layla lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

(originally by Derek And The Dominos)

What will you do when you get lonely
With nobody waitin by your side?
You've been running and hiding much to long
You know it's just your foolish pride

Layla, you got me on my knees
Layla, I'm begging darling please
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind
Layla, you got me on my knees
Layla, I'm begging darling please

Layla, you got me on my knees
Layla, I'm begging darling please
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind
Layla, you got me on my knees
Layla, I'm begging darling please

Layla, you got me on my knees
Layla, I'm begging darling please
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind
Layla, you got me on my knees
Layla, I'm begging darling please

Let's make the best of the situation
Before I finally go insane.
Please don't say we'll never find a way
And tell me all --- my love's in vain

Layla, you got me on my knees
Layla, I'm begging darling please
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind
Layla, you got me on my knees
Layla, I'm begging darling please

Layla, you got me on my knees
Layla, I'm begging darling please
Layla, darling won't you ease my worried mind
Layla, you got me on my knees
Layla, I'm begging darling please

The Twang Factor lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

Well us people in the country like tractors
We wear John Deere hats it's the twang factor
We like the VFW on a Friday night
We play bingo it's the twang factor

Picking in Memphis picking in Shoals
Picking in Nashville everywhere you go it's the twang factor
The twang factor is just the state of mind I'm in the twang factor

I like fried corn and pinto beansn I like a long stretch of highway yeah
I like a riverbank to watch the sunrise I believe you gotta be baptized
I like catfish crappie and bluegill too I like catchin' me a big old carp
I like Nascar and ice tea in a jar I like cookin' on an open fire
The twang factor

Now gimme guitar music and barbeque and football on Sunday afternoon
It's the twang factor
I like buck knives and red beans and rice and a pretty little thing to love me
It's the twang factor

Well we picking in Austin pickin' in Mobile
Picking in the swamps pickin' on the hill the twang factor
The twang factor is just the state of mind I'm in the twang factor

Fathers And Sons lyrics - The Charlie Daniels band

My daddy had so much to tell me things he said I had to know
Don't make my mistakes there are rules you can't break
But I had to find out on my own
Now when I look at my own son I do what my father went through
There's only so much you can do
You're proud when they walk but you're scared when they run
That's how it always has been between fathers and sons

It's a bridge you can't cross it's a cross you can't bear
It's the words you can't say the things you can't change
No matter how much you care
So you do all you can and then you gotta let go
You're just part of the flow of the river that runs between fathers and sons

Now your mother she'll try to protect you
She'll hold you as long as she can
But the higher you climb the more you can see
And too soon you think you're a man
One someday you'll look at your own son
There'll be so much that you want to say
But he'll have to find his own way
Down the road he must take the course he must run
That's how it always will be between fathers and sons

It's a bridge you can't cross...
You're just part of the flow of the river that runs between fathers and sons

What My Baby Sees In Me lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

She tries to find a little bit of good in everything that comes her way
She says even a broken clock is right two times a day
And her daddy warned her not to the day she took my name
Said he's a rough and rowdy boy you know he'll never change
Nobody else can see what my baby sees in me

Well I pump the gas and change the tires at the station all day long
She treats me like a millionaire every night when I get home
She calls me her Romeo even though I'm kinda plain
She says she learned a long time ago it ain't the whistle that pulls the train
Nobody else can see what my baby sees in me

Nobody else can see but that don't matter much to me
Cause she's the only one I really want to please

Well I don't care much for politics and I probably never will
Cause I'm the kind of man that says exactly what I feel
And I don't have all the answers and I'm not always right
But I know I'm never in the dark when she turns out the light
Nobody else can see what my baby sees in me

My baby calls my old pickup truck her cowboy Cadillac
If it holds up we're driving out to Hollywood and back
We're gonna cruise down Sunset Boulevard she's always wanted to go
Even though she says out of all the stars I'm the one that steals the show
Nobody else can see what my baby sees in me
Nobody else can see what my baby sees in me
Nobody else can see what my baby sees in me

Let Freedom Ring lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

In the heat of the battle
To the head army there stepped a man
He said, 'I've been to the top of the liberty
And I've looked over the promised land'

He had no fear of death or evil
His skin was black and his name was King
He said I may not get there with you
But put your faith in God and let freedom ring

There was a tyrant strong and mighty
And he built his self a wall
He said, 'This wall's gonna stand forever
No power on Earth is gonna make it fall'

But then the winds of change they started blowing
Like a free bird on the wing
And then the wall fell down with a sound like thunder
Let the free bird fly and let freedom ring

(Let freedom ring)
Throughout the northland out across the frozen Tundra
To the land of the midnight sun and the Eskimo

(Let freedom ring)
From Albuquerque across the sea to Greece and Turkey
And from Halifax down south to Mexico

(Let freedom ring)
From Carolina round the world to Indochina
From Seattle to Mobile and Abilene

(Let freedom ring)
Let freedom ring
(Let freedom ring)
Let freedom ring
Let it ring, let it ring, let it ring

Innocent blood was shed for freedom
In a faraway place called Tiennemen Square
'Cause the heavy hand of cruel oppression
Is so much more than a man can bear

But you can't chain a man forever
And your guns they don't mean a thing
'Cause they'll rise again in the cause of justice
Give the power to the people and let freedom ring

(Let freedom ring)
From Minnesota across the plains to North Dakota
And from Kennebunkport out to Kalamazoo

(Let freedom ring)
From Rome to Reno and from Tokyo to Moscow
And from Barcelona, Spain to Kathmandu

(Let freedom ring)
From Madagascar and from Berlin to Alaska
And from Liverpool to Perth to Aberdeen

(Let freedom ring)
Let freedom ring
(Let freedom ring)
Let freedom ring
Let it ring, let it ring, let it ring

Let's give thanks to God our Father
The author of our liberty
Gave us this land to protect and cherish
It's the home of the brave and it's the land of the free

Oh America, we love you
Sweet land of hope of thee we sing
And with our life's blood we will protect you
Let the eagle fly and let freedom ring

Let freedom ring
Let freedom ring
Let freedom ring
Let it ring, let it ring
Let it ring, let it ring
Let freedom ring

"Simple Man" (1989)

(What This World Needs Is) A Few More Rednecks lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

What this world needs is a few more rednecks
Some people ain't afraid to take a stand
What this world needs is a little more respect
For the Lord and the law and the workin' man
We could use a little peace and satisfaction
Some good people up front to take the lead
A little less talk and a little more action
And a few more rednecks is what we need

I was raised on beans and cornbread
And I like my chicken fried
Yes, I drive a pickup truck
And I'm full of American pride
I keep a Bible on my table
I got a flag out on my lawn
And I don't believe in mindin'
No one's business but my own

And I love them Rambo movies
I think they make a lot of sense
And it's a shame ole John Wayne
Didn't live to run for president

And I don't care what nobody says
I don't trust ole Gorbachev
And I don't know who turned him on
But it's time to turn him off


Now they're tryin' to take my guns away
And that would be just fine
If you take ‘em away from the criminals first
I'll gladly give ya mine
And I don't mind payin' taxes
But it makes my temper itch
When my hard earned money goes
To make some politician rich

What most people call a redneck
Ain't nothin' but a workin' man
And he makes his livin'
By the sweat of his brow
And the calluses on his hands
Now you intellectuals may not like it
But there ain't nothin' that you can do
Cause there's a whole lot more of us common-folks
Then there ever will be of you


That's what we need
And a few more rednecks is what we need

Was It 26 lyrics - The Charlie Daniels band

Living hard was easy when I was young and bullet proof
Had no ties to bind me just a pickup and a roof
I emptied every bottle when I poured I never missed
Had bloodshot eyes at twenty five or was it twenty six

Didn't seem to matter what price I had to pay
Cause anything worth havin' I'd just lose anyway
Friends worried about me and they asked if I was sick
Thought I would die at twenty five or was it twenty six

Those two years blend together like whiskey over ice
Melting into mem'ries like somebody else's life
I'm glad to say I've come around but if I could have one wish
I'd like another try at twenty five or was it twenty six

I met a girl from Georgia smart and pretty college grad
Thoought my luck was changin' up to then it'd all been bad
I guess I fell in love all it took was just one kiss
But she said goodbye at twnty five or was it twenty six

Those two years blend together like whiskey over ice...

Yeah I've been down the road prob'ly been as far as hell
Deception or redemption I guess only time will tell
I have faith in the knowledge that God gave us a gift
I couldn't hide at twenty five or was it twenty six

Those two years blend together like whiskey over ice...
I'd like another try at twenty five or was it twenty six

Oh, Atlanta lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

Oh Atlanta you're the only home I ever knew
Oh Atlanta I can't wait to get back home to you
You've got money in your pockets you've got roses in the lane
You've got purebred southern blood flowing in your veins Atlanta

Oh Atlanta I wish that I was down on Peachtree Street
Oh Atlanta them little Georgia peaches sure are sweet
You've got more pretty girls than any other place I've been
I can't wait to let your bright lights shine on me again Atlanta

Now you're the queen of Dixie you're the diamond of the South
You're that big hometown with all that southern pride
I've got them traveling blues I've got Georgia on my mind
I'm gonna jump on board a southbound train and ride

Oh Atlanta I'm lonesome as a southern boy can be
Oh Atlanta please be sure and save a place for me
So momma can fry some chicken call the family on the phone
Tell them that their long lost southern boy is coming home to Atlanta


Oh Atlanta I'm lonesome as a southern boy can be...

Saturday Night Down South lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

This ain't nothing but a little bitty town
Roll up the sidewalks everything's shut down
But down on the corner they're still hanging around
Cause it's Saturday night down south

Clock on the courthouse says eleven o'clock
Kids in their cars still dragging the block
People go to bed with their doors unlocked
Cause it's Saturday night down south

Me and my baby on the front porch swing
Tonight's the night I'm gonna give her a ring
If she says yes I'll have everything
Hot dog shut my mouth

Whippoorwill singing in the magnolia tree
Crickets making music for my baby and me
There ain't no other place that I'd rather be
When it's Saturday night down south


People down here like to take life slow
There ain't no place they're in a hurry to go
Just take it easy kinda roll with the flow
Take time to work things out

Full moon shining through the long leaf pines
Fireflies playing in the honeysuckle vine
Everybody's grooving everything's just fine
Cause it's Saturday night down south

Full moon shining through the long leaf pines...
Saturday night down south oh way down south

Play Me Some Fiddle lyrics - The Charlie Daniels Band

We were down on our luck in Houston
We were broke and we were needin' a job
We got a gig in this joint on the wrong side of town
And it was just about as rough as a cob
One night the door flew open and this dude walked in
He was as big as a mountain and as ugly as sin
It got quiet as a graveyard when he walked in
He looked like trouble with a capital T

He cleared off a whole row of barstools
Just to have him a place to sit
The bartender turned about three shades of purple
And the bouncer just up and quit
He come prowling cross the floor like a lion in a cage
Romping and stomping and shaking with rage
Well I thought I was gonna die when he walked up to the stage
He said there's something that I want you to do

He said play me some fiddle cause I love them fiddle songs
Play me some fiddle everybody can sing along
Well I'm mean and I'm ornery and I'm ready to fight
And if you want to get out of here alive tonight
You'd better play me some fiddle cause that fiddle music turns me on

Well I grabed up my fiddle and started sawing like never before
While he picked up a man with a drink in his hand
And threw him through a plate glass door
And then he grabbed up this dude and swung him round by the hair
He ripped up the tables and tore up the chairs
It took fifteen cops to get that fool out of there
And I heard him as they went through the door

Play me some fiddle cause I love that fiddle sound
Play me some fiddle play some fiddle and we'll all get down
I know I'm in trouble been a bad boy today
But just one more time before they take me away
Won't you play me some fiddle cause that fiddle music turns me on


Play me some fiddle cause I love that fiddle sound
Play me some fiddle play some fiddle and we'll all get down
He said play me some fiddle cause I love them fiddle songs
Play me some fiddle cause that fiddle music turns me on
